SHBP Open Enrollment Ushers in New Healthcare Changes
October 1st through October 31st is open enrollment for those looking to make changes to their State Health Benefit Plan selections or newly enroll in a plan. As a reminder, you may now choose between Aetna or Horizon to administer your SHBP; plan designs remain the same, but Aetna and Horizon offer different provider networks. You can visit their respective websites to see lists of their providers and make an informed decision about changing your healthcare coverage. If you are happy with your current plan and providers, you do not have to do anything during this open enrollment season. Read the new Healthcare Connections Newsletter put together by our ombudspersons.

This open enrollment period also ushers in changes to dental plans offered by the state. As of 12/28/24 the CIGNA DHMO, Horizon Dental Choice, and Metlife DPO plans will be eliminated. Members will now choose between a Dental Expense Plan offered by Aetna or Horizon, or an Aetna DMO plan. Anyone who was enrolled in one of the three options being eliminated will be auto enrolled in the Aetna DMO plan unless you select otherwise. If you are a satisfied member of an Aetna DMO or Aetna DEP there is no action required to stay enrolled in your current plan. Log into BenefitSolver and click on "Open Enrollment" to see an updated list of dental care providers.
Below is a side by side comparison of the Dental DMO and DEP plan designs.
View the new contribution rates for our dental plans.
State workers enrolled in the Horizon Unity Direct PPO/Aetna Freedom PPO plans will also see a premium increase in 2025. Our union fought hard to tie employee contributions to a percentage of salary rather than a percentage of the premium, and for this reason, while the state will incur a 10.1% premium increase, employee contributions will only increase by 4.5%. As an example, if your paycheck contribution is $111 per pay period today, it will increase to $116 per pay period in 2025. Click here to view more employee contribution examples.
Unfortunately, premium increases for Local Government workers will be 16.3% because employee contributions remain governed by Chapter 78 and are tied to a percentage of the premium, not salary. CWA is pro-actively working with our Local bargaining committees and members to fight for cost controls while maintaining equal-to-or-better benefits in all our local government contracts.
Our union believes that quality healthcare is a right and we are committed to fighting for affordable and comprehensive plans for every worker. As healthcare companies continue to rake in record profits off our backs through unjustifiable premium hikes, we are gearing up for mobilization in 2025 around cutting our healthcare costs. We are going to need every state and local government worker standing with us and we are calling on you to be leaders in your worksites by talking to non-members about joining our struggle and talking to fellow members about being engaged and showing up.
The need to affordably seek medical care is something we can all agree on. Let’s use this moment to build solidarity in our worksites and strengthen our union to take on greedy health insurance companies and the state’s willingness to make us shoulder the cost.