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Watch the CWA Healthcare Campaign Webinar

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We had an amazing turnout for our February 26 webinar on our campaign to fight back against skyrocketing healthcare costs in New Jersey! Thank you to all who joined. 

If you missed it (or you want to share with a friend!), you can find a recording of the webinar here.

Immediate Next Steps

We'll have more updates soon on our upcoming Lobby Day in March to speak directly with our State legislators, and a huge rally we have in the works for May at the State House in Trenton.


More and more of our paychecks are going to healthcare, at a time when most of us are already stretched thin. And it’s not because we’re using more services or getting better care. No - we’re paying to line the pockets of hospital and health insurance executives and enough is enough. We need the State to pass meaningful & comprehensive legislation to reign in healthcare costs and protect us from skyrocketing premiums.

We're up against a lot. It won’t be easy to take on the hospitals and health insurance industries, some of the most powerful players in our State, but we won’t stop until our members - and all New Jerseyans - get the high-quality, affordable healthcare that they deserve.


Here’s what you can do right now:

  • Sign this petition to Governor Murphy telling him to support our proposal to control healthcare costs and make healthcare affordable.

  • Fill out this short form to sign up to join our fight - it’s all hands on deck!

After you’ve done that, look out for more information from us about a lobbying your legislators in March and a big rally in Trenton in May.

It won’t be easy, but when we fight - we win.