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JCAU Members Ratify New Contract

Martina Manicastri
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We are happy to announce that our new JCAU Tentative Agreement has been ratified by members in the Support Staff Unit in a 96.97% to 3.03% majority, and by 100% majority in the Support Staff Supervisors Unit. The contract will take effect on July 1st, 2024 and run through June 30th, 2028, with the first 3.5% across-the-board wage increase reflected in mid-July of this year. All ATBs are permanent increases to base salary and are in addition to 3.5% Progression increases each January. We won language that recognizes telework, new stipends for bilingual titles, new minimum salaries for JC2s, and more. 

Read a full summary of the contract.  

Read the full Memorandum of Agreement for the JCAU Support Staff Unit

Read the full Memorandum of Agreement for the JCAU Support Staff Supervisors Unit 

Let’s use this victory as an opportunity to talk to our coworkers about how joining the union helps secure our financial futures and workplace rights. This contract is only possible because of the strength in our membership. 

When we fight, we win.